(SER-MS-001) Mississippi Wing
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Senior Member Position Descriptions

MSWG Encampment Senior Member Position Descriptions

Encampment Commander
    • Safety Officer
        • Safety Assistant
    • Health Services Officer
        • Health Services Assistant
    • Chaplain x2

Commandant of Cadets
    • Chief Training Officer
        • Flight Training Officers x6
        • Flight Training Officer Assistant x6

        • Barracks Training Officer x6
    • Curriculum and Plans Officer
        AE Instructors (single, multiple, or all lessons)
    Emergency Services Officer (Description Coming Soon)
        ES Instructors (single, multiple, or all lessons)

Deputy Commander for Support
    • Support Assistant

    • Communications Officer
    • Transportation Officer
        • Transportation Assistant
    • Food Services Officer
        • Food Services Assistant
    • Public Affairs Officer
        • PAO Assistant

Positions colored blue - are high responsibility and/or requires vigorous activity level
Positions colored green - are medium responsibility and/or requires moderate activity level
Positions colored red - are low responsibility and/or requires a low activity level

Barracks Training Officer/NCO (BTO/BTNCO)

The Barracks Training Officers/Barracks Training NCO’s (BTO’s/BTNCO’s) help ensure cadets are properly attending to their hygiene needs, maintaining dorm cleanliness in accordance with the SOP, and behaving appropriately when in their barracks. The BTOs help foster the appropriate barracks environment and keep a watch for cadets who are struggling.

Duties Include:

Serve as the adult mentor for the cadets assigned to the flight. Provide guidance to the cadet staff as necessary.

Monitor the welfare of the cadets in the flight, including the cadet staff. Conduct blister checks every night on all cadets. Ensure the cadet flight staff is getting adequate rest at night and that all cadets have the necessary items to maintain a healthy encampment experience.

Barracks Training Officers/Barracks Training NCO’s (BTO’s/BTNCO’s) are expected to be in attendance with the flights for Cadre Wake-up through Reveille, post PT Shower & Dorm Prep, evening Shower & Blister Checks, Cadet Student’s Personal Time, and until the Cadet Students are asleep. This oversight will give Flight Training Officers/NCOs (FTO/FTNCO) the needed rest time to maintain the level of daily intensity needed for their position.

Participate in daily activities as desired. 

Monitor the barracks throughout the day to ensure cadets are not inappropriately congregating. 

Aid in the washing of cadet laundry if needed.

The Flight Training Officers/Flight Training NCO’s (FTO’s/FTNCO’s) should be familiar with all CAP directives, with particular emphasis on CAPR 60-1, CAPP 216 and other CAP directives in 35, 39, 50, 52, 67, 76, 280, 900 series. They should also be familiar with CAPP 60-70, Cadet Encampment Guide and other cadet program materials located on the national cadet programs website.

Chaplain (HC)

The encampment chaplain’s primary duty during encampment is to monitor encampment morale and advise the CC on the emotional welfare of participants.

Minimum Qualifications: CAP Chaplain

Duties Include:

Be available for counseling for any individual at encampment who requests it or is directed to the chaplain by encampment staff.

Provide an opportunity for formal prayer and worship during encampment where feasible for members seeking religious service.

Be available for “Vector” time for interested encampment personnel prior to lights out. Note: “Vector” is not a religious service, but an opportunity for members to unwind and discuss in a relaxed environment the stressors of encampment.

The Chaplain reports to, assists, and advises the Encampment Commander (CC).

Chief Training Officer (CTO)

The Chief Training Officer (CTO) assists in the implementation, controlling, and evaulation of training activities for the cadets. The Chief Training Officer (CTO) should be filled by an experienced Cadet Programs Officer with encampment and cadet programs experience. The Chief Training Officer (CTO) must be able to supervise and mentor Flight Training Officers/Flight Training NCOs (FTO’s/FTNCO’s) in their duties and help define how to perform effectively. The Chief Training Officer (CTO) assists with the implementation and execution of the encampment curriculum prescribed in the Cadet Encampment Guide and CAPR 60-1.

Duties Include:

Provide initial FTO briefing to all encampment Flight Training Officers/Flight Training NCO’s (FTO’s/FTNCO’s) to define standards and expectations (Encampment Commander’s [CC’s] intent). Address with all Flight Training Officers Flight Training NCO’s (FTO’s/FTNCO’s) “how involved” to be as a Flight Training Officer/Flight Training NCO (FTO/FTNCO) and provide some insight to help new seniors gauge their involvement with their flight.

Conduct briefings as needed to ensure Flight Training Officers/Flight Training NCO’s (FTO’s/FTNCO’s) are informed of encampment schedule changes and other modifications to the training plan.

Advise the Commandant of Cadets (CoC) of Flight Training Officers/Flight Training NCO’s (FTO’s/FTNCO’s) performance and any issues observed by the Flight Training Officers/Flight Training NCO’s (FTO’s/FTNCO’s) throughout the encampment. Information should be evaluated and provided to the commandant through recommendations for policy or procedure change.

Communications Officer/NCO (CS) 

The Communications Officer/NCO (CS) is responsible for providing communication capabilities for the encampment. Radios and telephones fall under communications.

Duties Include:

Create the encampment communications plan prior to arrival at encampment. This must include types of radios, frequencies, and/or channel assignments, and an easy business card format with the listing of all frequencies and call- signs for all users is available.

Ensure proper sign-in and sign-out of radios. Serial numbers will be checked and verified at check-out and at check-in. Radios will be issued to the member through Operational Resource Management System (ORMS) in eServices or via hard copy CAPF 37E. All equipment must be signed for before custody is transferred - no exceptions.

Maintain charging equipment and spare batteries.

Determine Intermediate Communications User Training (ICUT) completion status and prepare a list for the CD. All staff not having completed ICUT prior to encampment will complete the training during the staff training period prior to cadet arrival.

Actively secure radio equipment for encampment use from all available sources within the wing to support the encampment communications plan. Coordination requests shall be made in turn through the encampment Chain of Command. Direct coordination to the MSWG/DC is not authorized.

The Communications Officer/NCO (CS) is accountable for all communications equipment used for the encampment.

The communications officer should be familiar with CAPP 214; and CAP directives in the 60, 62, 66, 77, and 100 series; the NTIA manual of regulations and procedures for Federal Radio Frequency Management, applicable FEMA publications; applicable federal, state, and local MOUs requiring communications support.

Assist with Information Technology as necessary.

The Communications Officer/NCO (SE) must be able to mentor, provide training, evaluate, and supervise Cadets that are assigned to the Communications Section.

Curriculum and Plans Officer (CPO) 

The Curriculum and Plans Officer (CPO) assists in the implementation, controlling, and evaluating of training activities for the cadets, and the implementation of the encampment curriculum prescribed in the Cadet Encampment Guide and CAPR 60-1.

Duties Include:

Responsible for the planning of the encampment curriculum, preparing lesson plans for Required Staff Training and each CAP-centric class or activity held at encampment. Ensure all lesson plans, schedules, and course products are maintained in a way that subsequent encampments will be able to utilize the courseware.

Establish an abbreviated lesson plan that can be provided to an outside agency activity provider that outlines the basic goals of encampment and specifically what objectives their presentation should try to encompass (e.g. KC-135 Static Display – ask the crew to provide a presentation that discusses the capability that their particular model of KC-135 brings to the Air Force mission and how that relates to the big picture Air Force responsibility).

Monitor classes and activities to verify that the instructor is satisfying all defined objectives of the class and that the approved lesson plan and schedule is being followed.

Spot audit classes to ensure instructors are keeping cadets engage and effectively teaching the material. Provide guidance and mentoring of instructors. 

Prepares the encampment training syllabus to ensure all defined encampment objectives and CAPR 60-1 goals are covered throughout the encampment training period. Verifies that all CAPR 60-1 block instruction period requirements are met.

Conduct briefings as needed to ensure the Commandant of Cadets (CoC) and the Chief Training Officers (CTO) are informed of encampment schedule changes and other modifications to the training plan.

The Curriculum and Plans Officer (CPO) should be familiar with all CAP directives, with particular emphasis on CAPR 60-1, CAPP 216, and other CAP directives in 35, 39, 50, 52, 67, 76, 280, 900 series. They should also be familiar with CAPP 60-70, Cadet Encampment Guide and cadet program aerospace education texts, and other cadet program materials located on the national cadet programs website.

Commandant of Cadets (CoC)

The Commandant of Cadets (CoC) implements, controls, and evaluates training activities for the cadets. The Commandant of Cadets (CoC) should be filled by an experienced Cadet Programs officer with encampment and cadet programs experience. The Commandant of Cadets (CoC) directs the implementation of the encampment curriculum prescribed in the Cadet Encampment Guide and CAPR 60-1.

Duties Include:

Provide guidance and oversight to the Chief Training Officer (CTO) for the Flight Training Officers/Flight Training NCO’s (FTO’s/FTNCO’s).

Mentor the cadet staff and serve as a sounding board for cadets. The Commandant of Cadets (CoC) will maintain an open-door policy for all cadet staff and will be available as needed to ask questions and provide feedback.

Provide feedback, if necessary, to the Encampment Commander (CC) with regard to the encampment training syllabus to ensure all defined encampment objectives and CAPR 60-1 goals are covered throughout the encampment training period.

Review the encampment training plan and ensure it satisfies encampment objectives and regulatory requirements and provide feedback, as necessary, to the Encampment Commander (CC) if there is an issue or discrepancy.

Provide input on training and activity opportunities to the Encampment Commander (CC).

Ensure implementation of the Encampment Commander’s (CC’s) intent of encampment.

Be prepared to assume the role of Encampment Commander’s (CC’s), Chief Training Officer (CTO), or Flight Training Officers/Flight Training NCO’s (FTO’s/FTNCO’s) at any time.

Help lead guided discussions with the cadet staff to help the staff discover potential problems, and solutions, to encampment challenges.

The Commandant of Cadets (CoC) should be familiar with all CAP directives, with particular emphasis on CAPR 60-1, CAPP 216, and other CAP directives in 35, 39, 50, 52, 67, 76, 280, 900 series. They should also be familiar with CAPP 60-70, Cadet Encampment Guide and cadet program aerospace education texts, and other cadet program materials located on the national cadet programs website.

Deputy Commander for Support (CD)

The Deputy Commander for Support provides for the encampment’s logistical, financial, and administrative needs. Supervises and mentors the encampment support staff.

Duties Include:

Provide oversight, supervision, and mentorship to encampment committees and support staff sections as requested by the Encampment Commander (CC).

Mentor, train, supervise, and evaluate the Cadet Deputy Commander for Support (C/DC). Be prepared to assume command of the Encampment in the absence of the Encampment Commander 

(CC).Coordinate Dining-in/Banquet arrangements with the Cadet Encampment Commander (C/CC) and Cadet Deputy Commander for Support (C/DC). The arrangements include, but not limited to, the seating arrangements, materials, costs, any other duties as needed, reviewing the script, and ensuring the guest speaker arrangements are made.

Create forms as necessary to ensure accountability of personnel and assets at encampment.

Verifying membership status, maintaining the encampment recall roster, create an encampment locator roster.

Sign for and issue building room keys

Coordinate with MSWG Finance Officer to establish accounts, secure funding, and spend procedures. Obtain Encampment Commander’s (CC) approval for all encampment paid expenses.

Account for all activity fees paid, ensure all participants have paid the correct activity fee, and actively collect any monies due to encampment. Track who has/has not paid for encampment.

Update the encampment master budget worksheet. Verify expenditures and income for the encampment are as projected in pre-encampment planning. Provide information to the Deputy Commander for Support (DS) detailing any discrepancies or unexpected variances in the budget.

Be prepared to assume the role of Encampment Commander’s (CC’s) at any time.

Ensure implementation of the Encampment Commander’s (CC’s) intent of encampment.

Flight Training Officer/NCO (FTO/FTNCO) & Assistant   

(items in bold are the responsibility of the Officer/NCO & Assistant)

The Flight Training Officers/Flight Training NCO’s (FTO’s/FTNCO’s) assists in the implementation, controlling, and evaluating of training activities for the cadets per the encampment curriculum, should be filled by an experienced Cadet Programs Officer with encampment and cadet programs experience. The FTOs are the most critical duty position and are the most directly involved senior member with cadet training at encampment and must be able to mentor their Cadet Squadron Commander, Cadet Squadron First Sergeant, Cadet Flight Commander, and Cadet Flight Sergeant in their duties, and help define how to perform effectively.

Duties Include:

Serve as the adult mentor for Flight Training Officer/NCO (FTO/FTNCO) Assistants and the cadets assigned to the flight. Provide guidance to the cadet staff as necessary.

Participate in Encampment End of Day Staff Meetings.

Monitor the welfare of the cadets in the flight, including the cadet staff. Conduct blister checks every night on all cadets. Ensure the cadet flight staff is getting adequate rest at night and that all cadets have the necessary items to maintain a healthy encampment experience.

Flight Training Officers/Flight Training NCO’s (FTO’s/FTNCO’s) are expected to be in attendance with their flight when they are not in the barracks. Arrangements will be made by the Chief Training Officer to temporarily relieve Flight Training Officers/Flight Training NCO’s (FTO’s/FTNCO’s) as necessary.

The Flight Training Officer/NCO (FTO/FTNCO) Assistants will be “in training” for the following Encampment as Flight Training Officer/NCO (FTO/FTNCO).

The Flight Training Officers/Flight Training NCO’s (FTO’s/FTNCO’s) should be familiar with all CAP directives, with particular emphasis on CAPR 60-1, CAPP 216 and other CAP directives in 35, 39, 50, 52, 67, 76, 280, 900 series. They should also be familiar with CAPP 60-70, Cadet Encampment Guide and cadet program aerospace education texts and other cadet program materials located on the national cadet programs website.

Food Services Officer & Assistant

(items in bold are the responsibility of the Officer/NCO & Assistant)

Food Services Officer ensures the dietary needs of all encampment participants are met or exceeded.

Duties Include:

Mentor, train, supervise, and evaluate the Food Services Assistant, and all Cadets assigned to the Food Services Section.

Plan all meals for the encampment prior to the start of the Encampment.

Maintain an accurate accounting of meals needed for each meal period of the days at encampment. This includes planning for staff training days or other days where the full encampment is not present.

Ensure members with specific dietary needs are accommodated (i.e. vegetarian, allergies, religious, etc). 

Prior to encampment coordinates, as needed, with cadet’s parents or senior members to ensure the full extent of dietary restrictions is understood.

Present a Kitchen Police (KP) duty briefing to KP personnel.

Maintain the supply of food for encampment and ensure proper storage.

Prepare, or assist in the preparation, and serve encampment meals as well as the cleaning and sanitation of the Dining Facility (D-FAC) and all equipment.

Coordinate with the Director of Support to purchase required food.

If a food vendor external to CAP is used, validate the vendor's cadet protection policy training (CPPT) status. If no vendor personnel are cadet protection qualified, a dedicated CAP CPPT approved senior member must be present at all times cadets are working with the food vendor.

The Encampment Food Service Section’s responsibilities will vary based on the encampment location and method of providing meals (i.e. in house, contracted caterer, military dining facility, etc).

Health Services Officer/NCO & Health Services Assistant

(items in bold are the responsibility of the Officer/NCO & Assistant)

The Health Services Section is responsible for providing basic first aid care. Any care necessary above the scope of basic first aid will not be provided by encampment. Members will be taken to clinics, hospitals, and/or in emergencies, 911 shall be used for any issue above the basic first aid scope of care. 

Duties Include:

Duty Assignment Prerequisite: All personnel assigned to the Health Services Section will have basic first aid and CPR certifications current prior to encampment. Senior member Health Services staff should hold professional medical certification (MD, RN, LPN, etc) when possible.

Before encampment: coordinate with local hospitals/Military Treatment facilities for emergency/care plan, and arrange for a basic first aid and CPR class during pre-encampment training or during the staff training portion prior to the Cadet arrival time.

Provide basic first aid care to injured encampment participants. Maintain a supply of basic non-prescription medications (over-the-counter) products and first aid supplies.

Post hydration level indicator posters and other informative displays in public areas that will be viewed by everyone at encampment.

Maintain a health services log. All medications given will be logged in the health services log.

Review all participant applications to screen for medical issues.

Brief and assist Flight Training Officers/NCO’s (FTO’s/FTNCO’s) and cadet staff with the care and prevention of blisters.

Monitor Encampment compliance with CAPR 160-2, Handling of Cadet Medication, and all other applicable CAP publications and directives.

Health Services Officers/NCOs (HS) should be familiar with all CAP directives in the 160 series and applicable portions of CAPRs 55-1, 50-15, 60-1, 50-17 and 62-2.

Public Affairs Officer/NCO (PA) & Assistant

(items in bold are the responsibility of the Officer/NCO & Assistant)

Duties Include:

Generate a press release for each Cadet’s hometown newspaper.

Produce a daily encampment newsletter/journal entry. The daily post should be uploaded to the Mississippi Wing Encampment Facebook page.

Take unit and groups staff photos.

Create Encampment Memory Book for distribution prior to Encampment Graduation.

Take photos of all activities cadets are participating in. Provide the visual documentation of encampment. Post approved photos and videos to the cadet program’s website.

Prepare a video or slideshow for the encampment graduation dinner.

Escort visitors from the media and provide information about CAP.

Comply with CAPR 190-1 and other public affairs publications.

Safety Officer/NCO & Safety Assistant

(items in bold are the responsibility of the Officer/NCO & Assistant)

The Safety Officer is responsible for advising the Encampment Commander (CC) on safety issues, setting safety policy, completing the Operational Risk Management review of all Encampment activities, and filling out all required safety forms in the event of an incident.

Duties Include:

Provide a pre-encampment safety survey to the Encampment Commander (CC) with recommendations to mitigate any findings regarding the facilities to be used and any other sites or activities in the encampment plan.

Provide an encampment wide safety briefing during the introduction/welcome briefing. Minimum briefing topics to be included are major hazards, hydration expectations, and safety attitude philosophy.

Ensure all members are safety current in eServices prior to the first scheduled event on the first training day.

Create fire and emergency evacuation plans. Plans will include the location to assemble and how accountability will be taken. Facility provided plans when available should be used unless there is a CAP specific requirement not satisfied with the existing plan.

Maintain the Safety Officer Continuity Binder and include all ORM survey reports and mishap reports for future encampment review.

Conduct an ORM evaluation on all facilities and activities to be used/conducted at encampment. Ensure mitigation plans are implemented and reviewed periodically for effectiveness.

The Safety Officer/NCO must be able to mentor, provide training, evaluate, and supervise Cadets that are assigned to the Safety Section.

The Safety Officer/NCO should be familiar with all CAP directives in the 160 series, CAPSIS, and Advanced Risk Management.

Support Assistant

The Support Assistant aids the Deputy Commander for Support (DS) with the administrative work required to ensure the smooth operation of all administrative and personnel matters for the encampment.

Duties Include:

Distribute and account for copies of handouts for encampment (Cadet Handbooks, class handouts, etc).

During in-processing, ensure that all Cadets have turned in all required paperwork and activity fees. Additionally, verify the correct spelling and grade of each Cadet.

Aid in the creation of the encampment graduation certificate, securing final “proof” approval from the Encampment Comander (CC), and in the generation of graduation certificates for all participants. 

Assist in verifying membership status, ensuring all participants have paid the correct activity fees, maintaining the encampment recall roster, emergency notification list, and the creation of the encampment locator roster.

Maintain a central storage/supply where encampment resources may be stockpiled. This area must maintain inventory control and accountability over all encampment property and materials.

Ensure sign-out and sign-in of all non-expendable property is accomplished. Expendable property should be recorded to track usage.

Set up and maintain a designated lost and found. Record all property turned in on a log.

The Logistics Officer/NCO (LG) should be familiar with CAPP 206, CAPR 77-1 and 174-1. The Administrative Officer/NCO (DA) should be familiar primarily with CAPP 205 and CAP directives in the 5 and 10 series.

Transportation Officer/NCO (LGT) & Assistant

(items in bold are the responsibility of the Officer/NCO & Assistant)

The Transportation Officer/NCO (LGT) is responsible for ensuring the transportation needs of the encampment staff and cadets is met.

Duties Include:

Maintain the listing of vehicles and transportation assets available (vans, busses, etc).

Coordinate drivers and unit vehicle assignment prior to major encampment transportation moves (assign certain flights, squadrons, etc to specific vehicles based on known unit numbers).

Conduct the vehicle operators’ safety briefing to all senior members with CAP driver’s license.

Create a daily transportation schedule.

Input fuel receipts and documentation in WMIRS daily.

Inspect all vehicles assigned to encampment for use daily prior to the start of each duty day.

Clear all vehicles for return to home station at end of encampment.

Assist encampment logistics as required.

The Transportation Officer/NCO (LGT) should be familiar with CAPP 206, CAPR 77-1 and 174-1.

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