(SER-MS-001) Mississippi Wing
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Senior Member Applicants

Senior Member Application Process

Apply now! Check the “Positions Open” List, review the Senior Member Staff Positions Descriptions, and verify you meet the participation requirements to find a position that is perfect for you. 

Instructions for applying to be a Senior Member Staffer at the 2024 Mississippi Wing Encampment are at the bottom. There is no fee required for SMs to staff encampment. 

Questions can be addressed to the Encampment Commander at encampment@mswg.cap.gov.

Senior Member Participation Requirements, Application Window, and Application Directions 

Participation Requirements

Registration Form

Senior Member Staff Position Descriptions

Position Openings & Application Instructions

  • Positions Open:

    • Safety Officer

    • Safety Assistant(s)

    • Health Services Officer

    • Health Services Assistant(s)

    • Chaplain x2

    • Flight Training Officers x6

    • Flight Training Officer Assistant x6

    • Barracks Training Officer x6

    • Curriculum and Plans Officer

    • AE Instructors(s)

    • Emergency Services Officer

    • ES Instructors(s)

    • Deputy of Support

    • Support Assistant

    • Communications Officer

    • Transportation Officer

    • Transportation Assistant

    • Food Services Officer

    • Food Services Assistant(s)

    • Public Affairs Officer

    • PAO Assistant(s)

Positions colored blue - are highly responsible and/or require a vigorous activity level
Positions colored green - are medium responsibility and/or require moderate activity level
Positions colored red - are low responsibility and/or require a low activity level

  • Application Period Open: 1 January to 1 June 2024

  • In-Person Interviews: will take place as Senior Members Register

Application & Required Form/Course Instructions

Below are step-by-step instructions for completing all required items for the Mississippi Wing Encampment. Please READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS before completing an application. 

Step 1 Registration Form: The registration form is the first step in securing a position at Encampment. Those serving on staff must complete the Google Registration Form. All applicants should get an e-mailed copy of their form upon submission. Please keep a copy for your records.

Step 2 Required Forms: Please bring a completed paper copy with you to check in or be prepared to fill them out when you arrive.

Application (SMs do not need to fill out the second page and should list themselves as the "cadet" on the last page.)

- Application for Encampment (CAPF 60-81, 2 pages)
- Camp Shelby Release Form (1 page)
- Photo Release Form (1 page)


- Air Transportation Agreement (DD Form 1381, 1 page, witness signature required)

Medical (SMs do not need to fill out the last page)

- CAP Member Health History Form (CAPF 160, 2 pages)
- Emergency Information (CAPF 161, 1 page)

Step 3 Required Courses: Mississippi Wing Senior Member Staff members must have completed:

Cadet Protection Course Basic and Advanced
Basic Risk Management
I-CUT (online work, practical can be completed at encampment)
Professional Development Level 1
Equal Opportunity Training.

These courses can be completed in E-Services. These courses may be submitted AFTER acceptance to the Mississippi Wing Encampment Staff, but NLT 15 June 2024.  Questions on how to complete these courses can be addressed to encampment@mswg.cap.gov.

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