(SER-MS-001) Mississippi Wing
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Cadet Executive Staff Descriptions

Cadet Executive Cadre Duty Position Descriptions & Attributes

MSWG has selected certain traits and abilities desired of candidates seeking the position of Cadet Commander, Cadet Deputy Commander of Operations, Cadet Deputy Commander of Support, and Cadet Deputy of Advanced Training for the upcoming Mississippi Wing Summer Encampment. Candidates must be willing to meet or exceed all expectations and responsibilities of said positions.

Traits, Attributes, and Abilities Expected of Cadet Executive Cadre

  • Is in good standing within their Squadron & Wing

  • Upholds CAP Core Values

  • Extensive training and drill experience

  • Can logically explain ideas and communicate effectively

  • Appropriately delegates and follows up

  • Respects authority and regulations

  • Displays and encourages Servant Leadership

  • Remains calm, exhibits maturity, and works well with others

  • Consistently works on personal improvement

  • Demonstrates involvement and remains present during activities

  • Maintains situational awareness and remains flexible

  • Understands deadlines and personal responsibility

  • Holds themselves to a higher standard than they hold their subordinates

Cadet Commander

The Cadet Commander is responsible for all cadet cadre under them and for fulfilling the training requirements for both cadre and students. The C/CC coordinates mainly with the Commandant of Cadets and their Deputy Commanders. The C/CC ensures that their staff is prepared for and able to meet daily responsibilities and acts as the interface between any senior and cadet cadre. The cadet commander is responsible for conveying the Commander’s and Commandant’s intent to the cadet cadre.

Key duties within this position are as follows:

  • Ensuring that all cadet cadre are properly trained prior to encampment and meet CPPT requirements.

  • Plan and execute any cadre selection and training weekends.

  • Oversee all pre-planning, coordination, daily encampment activities, and the execution of the training schedule.

  • Makes final decision on all honors (eg. honor flight, warrior cadet etc.) with input from appropriate cadet staff based on subjective and objective criteria and submits to Commandant and Encampment Commander for approval. 

Cadet Deputy Commander of Operations (CTG/CDO):

The Cadet Deputy Commander of Operations reports directly to the Cadet Commander. They are responsible for coordinating, controlling, and directing the training activities of the basic cadets and their cadre. 

Key duties within this position are as follows:

  • Management of Cadet Operations: focusing on long-term goals, planning cadet activities, drafting training plans, and preparing training schedules for the cadet commander's approval.

  • Supervise and mentor all Line Cadre, ensuring they understand their responsibilities and helping them grow as leaders.

  • Monitoring the Cadet Inspection Programs to include managing the overall inspection system, noting different trends within the cadets' training, and taking into account how Flight Commanders prepare their flights.

  • Taking accountability for the actions of the Line Staff, acknowledging late flights/squadrons, recognizing mistakes made by staff, and implementing changes to training as required to meet encampment goals.

  • Ensuring all Line Staff receive schedule and event information promptly.

Cadet Deputy Commander of Support (CTG/CDS):

The Cadet Deputy Commander for Support reports directly to the Cadet Commander and oversees all support cadre. Their job is to oversee the movement, management, and supervision of the Support Staff.

Key duties within this position are as follows:

  • Supervise and coordinate Cadet Support Staff Activities to ensure Senior Member Support Staff is satisfied with the quality of support the Cadet Support Staff is providing. 

  • Manage the Cadet Corps’ Mission Support Functions: managing deadlines, leading/mentoring the head of each department, and organizing reports of Cadet Support Staff

  • Provide oversight and mentorship to all Cadet Support Staff to ensure they are operating appropriately, staying on task, and reducing any unutilized time by finding additional ways to support encampment. 

  • Ensuring all Line Staff receive schedule and event information promptly.

Cadet Deputy of Advanced Training (CTG/CDA):

The Cadet Deputy of Advanced Training reports directly to the Cadet Commander. Prior to encampment the CDA will work with SM Staff to develop the MSWG ATS. During encampment, the CDA will lead the squadron in the implementation of the advanced training program within the scope of encampment. This includes training in emergency services, aerospace, and leadership.

Key duties within this position are as follows:

  • Design, implement, and evaluate the training within the Advanced Training Squadron through the flight cadre and make appropriate adjustments.

  • Coordinates necessary logistical and administrative support for the Squadron, typically through a Deputy Commander of Operations or Support.

  • Fosters cohesiveness, professionalism, teamwork, and unity of purpose within the unit.

  • Provides oversight and mentorship of ATS cadets to ensure they are operating appropriately, staying on task, and setting an example for the basics to follow. 

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