(SER-MS-001) Mississippi Wing
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Mississippi Wing Summer Encampment


Cadet Student Applicants (First-Time Encampment)

Advance Training Applicants

Cadet Cadre Applicants

Senior Member Applicants 


Civil Air Patrol Summer Encampments serve as leadership laboratories. They offer cadets the opportunity to further develop leadership skills under the careful supervision of highly trained adult leaders. Additionally, cadets are offered the opportunity to explore the aerospace sciences and related careers, commit to a habit of regular exercise and solidify their moral character.


Encampment presents the five key traits of cadet life – the uniform, aerospace themes, opportunities to lead, challenge, and fun – in an intensive environment that moves cadets beyond their normal comfort zones for personal growth. Overall, encampments should be fun, in part because they challenge cadets and enable them to earn a sense of accomplishment.


Encampments aim to serve multiple constituencies.  There are more people who have a stake in the program than simply the first-year cadet students.  In fulfilling its purposes and realizing its vision, the encampment pursues goals in five different areas simultaneously.

The overall encampment program sets goals for each cadet student as an individual, builds teamwork, grows leaders, and finally, Encampment is the centerpiece of the wing-level Cadet Program, providing the wing with an opportunity to boost the capabilities of its hometown cadet and composite squadrons and to standardize cadet training within the wing, so the encampment program pursues goals for the wing’s overall Cadet Program.

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Want to know a bit more about Mississippi Wing Encampments?

Encampment Dates & Application Links

Cadet Student (First-Time Encampment)
         Encampment Dates: June 16 - 23, 2024
         Graduation Parade: 23 June 2024 at 2 p.m.
         Dismissal (unless arrangements were made before encampment) is after the parade and will be about 3 p.m. 
         Application Window: Spring 2024 - Early June 2024

Cadet Cadre Encampment Dates 
         Encampment Dates: June 13 - 23, 2024 (Executive Staff) or June 14 - 23, 2024 (Non-executive Staff)
         Graduation Parade: 23 June 2024 at 2 p.m.
         Dismissal (unless arrangements were made before encampment) is after the parade and will be about 3 p.m. 
         Application Window: See phase descriptions for specific dates and links

Senior Member Applicants
         Encampment Dates: June 14 - 23, 2024 (Dates vary depending on position)
         Graduation Parade: 23 June 2024 at 2 p.m.
         Dismissal (unless arrangements were made before encampment) is after the parade and will be about 3 p.m. 
         Application Window: Spring 2024 - Early June 2024

Encampment Tuition (Cadets):

  • Cadet tuition is $275.

    • Cadet Student Early Arrival: $50
             Covers the cost of food and accommodations.

  • CLOSED ON 1 MAY 2024 FOR MSWG ENCAMPMENT - All cadets are encouraged to apply for Cadet Encampment Assistance Program (CEAP). Please note, that not all CEAP applicants will receive the scholarship.

  • Payment instructions will be sent to all participants via the email(s) you provided during registration.

  • Tuition must be received NLT 10 June 2024

Who should attend Encampment?

  • Any cadet who is a current member of CAP and who has not previously attended an encampment should attend an encampment as a student at their first available opportunity. 

  • Any cadet who is a current member of CAP and who has previously attended an encampment should attend an encampment as a cadre to improve their leadership capabilities. 

  • Any senior member who is a current member of CAP and takes pride in developing cadets into incredible adults.


Please do not call the MS Wing general phone number with questions or send messages to other MSWG email addresses or via Facebook. They are not part of the encampment staff and do not have current information.

For questions regarding encampment registration, payments, logistics, etc., please email encampment@mswg.cap.gov.  This email is monitored continuously and your inquiry will be handled promptly.  Be sure to include your contact information and CAPID.  Please speak to your squadron leadership for general questions about Encampment itself or information regarding Encampment requirements.

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